Friday night Thunder had some peeps over for her birthday.
Yes, she had her own cake, but didn't get to eat any of it because "people food" gives her a belly ache. So we ate it for her. Good thing she requested MY favorite cake.
Saturday was the Super Spin in Fond du Lac. 3 hours in the saddle. Coming off a recovery week the first hour was hell. After that it got easier. But by hour #3, the seams were rubbing from the shorts and it was time to call it quits. We wrapped up that evening by stuffing our faces at the Guse's house in Fond du Lac with some of their team members. Got home early, in bed with the electric blanked cranked on HIGH by 9:30. Awesome.
Sunday I had to do some work, which was just fine by me. Eating is always a good thing. . . .work leads to eating for Brittany. After that, we headed out to celebrate Shooter's 39th birthday. Yes, she picked Roller Skating. I used to LOVE to roller skate. Yesterday I decided I liked it MUCH more when I was 12. Amy, however, was zipping in and out of all the little 6 year olds on the skate floor. She seemed to fit right in. And we couldn't even SEE Lori. . . . .it's like she WAS ONE OF THEM. Strange.
Some child took out Bill, then stopped to ask him if he was ok as he was scraping himself up off the floor. He said it was a little humbling, but I think he got back at the children in general as I saw him trip 2 or 3 of them throughout the afternoon.
Wrap up the evening with a DQ cake to celebrate "39", and we called it a weekend. In bed again by 9:30 with the blanket on high. I love that blanket. It's the only think keeping me sane in this weather.