Thursday, September 04, 2008


I can't even imagine having children, when I can barely cope with THIS ONE crying all night.

For some reason Thunder decided she didn't want to be in her bed last night. We listened to whimpers and cries from her crate all night long. Thank goodness that was the first time for that. Hopefully it was the LAST time.

While I know some people question my/our decision NOT to have children, I have to say the older I get, the better I feel about that decision. To have children now (for me) would mean I would have to come up with a whole lot more patience, empathy, time, energy and money than I currently have. I guess there's a reason our biological clocks guide us to having children earlier in life.

Not everyone WANTS to be a parent. I guess that's one of the great things about life. Most of us actually get to make that decision based on what's right for us.


Chris said...

Don't let anyone try to tell you different. Yes, there are those who don't have a choice, but if you do, you need to do what's right for you. And reserve the right to change your mind if you want ;-)

Anonymous said...

All your reasons seem like the exact same as mine and Kevin's. What really annoys me are my childhood friends that still don't get it. They think that because I am a teacher I should have children. The best is when they complain that they never have time alone with their husbands, well duh...
I hope you get some sleep tonight!

Anonymous said...

Good for you. As another woman who never wants kids, it kills me when people say 'you'll change your mind'. No. I won't. People don't get it that not everyone wants to be a parent. It's pretty much expected by society that as a female you will take on role of a mother.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way. I definitely don't have the energy to take care of another person. I don't dislike kids, it's just not the right thing for me.